Community Work

My Priorities

I am very involved in the local community and work with many local groups and organisations. These volunteers  are the people who make a huge contribution to our lives, and I do my level best to help them all.

I am Chairman of the Trustees of my local community hall helping to raise over £30,000 in recent years for refurbishment works. I have also served on the parish council since 2002 and am currently the Vice Chairman.. I believe communities and community spirit can still thrive in the 21st Century. They just need the right help, and I try to play my part in giving it.

It's a privilege to represent the people of of my County division (Potterhanworth & Coleby) and District ward (Heighington & Washingborough which includes Canwick). I am also a Parish Councillor, but of course that is a non-political role.


 I work in public service here in Lincolnshire. At North Kesteven District Council I am Deputy Leader of the Council and a member of the Executive Board with particular responsibility for housing and the Council's £230 million capital programme. I also serve on the Planning Committee and various outside bodies including the Lincolnshire Housing, Health & Wellbeing group. I've helped lead NKDC's ambitious climate change response, and I'm involved with a range of community groups and charities.

I grew up in a village and spent many years in London, so I understand what makes both rural and urban communities tick. I'm very grateful for the chance to play a part in the life of our great county by serving the community.

About Me For my latest news click        councillorian.carrington             @CllrCarrington

Local government isn't about councils or councillors. It's about serving the community and making local lives better.

These are my priorities:

- Economic development to bring prosperity and make sure our unemployment rates remain low 
- New industrial units, workshops and office space to bring quality jobs and opportunity

- Protect our environment - it's the only one we've got

- Combat climate change by achieving a carbon net zero District Council by 2030 with a detailed, workable and public action plan and supporting LCC's climate response
- Build good quality affordable housing so that local people can continue to live in the villages where they grew up

- Safe, clean, well maintained streets in thriving communities with local facilities in easy reach - and a war on potholes!
- Sport, leisure and cultural facilities so you and your family can lead happy, healthy and  enriched lives

- Support the NHS and boost funds for local primary care

And I will make sure we continue to:

- Put local people at the heart of decision-making through individuals, parish and town councils and Neighbourhood Plans
- Listen to and nurture local communities - especially on matters like roads, infrastructure and new housing. I will NEVER support bad development.
- Fight for public transport so no one is disadvantaged because of where we live
- Support local government partnerships to encourage better ways of working to deliver vital services
- Guarantee that good value for money services are provided by North Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council